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Saturday, 10 May 2014

DIY - Paper Rabbit Mask

In my city, when I was a child, I celebrated my birthday party in my house. Me and my friends used hats or masks. So here, I'll show you something easy to do. How to make a mask for birthday party, or for halloween, or for carnival maybe, it's up to you. :)

How to Make a Rabbit Mask

You will need:
  • Black, white, and pink card
  • piece of elastic
  • pencil
  • bradawl
  • scissors
  • glue
How to make paper rabbit mask:
  1.    Draw a picture of a bunny's head on a paper and the ears on the other paper, but in case you have a big paper it's fine to draw it on a paper. But remember draw the head and the ears separately.
  2. ut those pictures to pieces, and then draw the outline of the pictures to another papers, adjust with the colors it's suitable with.
  3.  Stick them with glue. When you want to stick the ears, stick it behind the head, to make it look more neat.
  4. After you've sticked all of those pieces to the head, make two little holes on the right side and the left side of the mask using a bradawl.
  5.  And the last insert the piece of elastic to the holes.
  6. And taraaa~ you've done it very well guys :)

Thanks to Traposo US


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