You will need:
- Black, white, and pink card
- piece of elastic
- pencil
- bradawl
- scissors
- glue
How to make paper rabbit mask:
- Draw a picture of a bunny's head on a paper and the ears on the other paper, but in case you have a big paper it's fine to draw it on a paper. But remember draw the head and the ears separately.
- ut those pictures to pieces, and then draw the outline of the pictures to another papers, adjust with the colors it's suitable with.
- Stick them with glue. When you want to stick the ears, stick it behind the head, to make it look more neat.
- After you've sticked all of those pieces to the head, make two little holes on the right side and the left side of the mask using a bradawl.
- And the last insert the piece of elastic to the holes.
- And taraaa~ you've done it very well guys :)
Thanks to Traposo US
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